Allahabad Bank Vacancies for Clerk, Probationary Officer, Agriculture Field Office

Allahabad Bank
(A Government of India undertaking)
Head Office : 2, N. S. Road, Kolkata-700001

Applications for Clerks and Officers are invited by Allahabad Bank, Kolkata from Indian Citizens. Advertisement: December 2009, apply online at the Allahabad Bank Website, details are given below, start date of Online Application submission - 08/12/2009

1. Clerk cum Cashier
Total posts: 990 in various states, Pay Scale : Rs. 4410-13210, Age Limit : 18-28 years, relaxation in age as per rules., Online application from : 21/12/2009 to 21/01/2010, Examination on : 14/03/2010

2. Probationary Officer JMG Scale-I
Total posts: 880, Pay Scale: Rs 10000-18240, Age Limit: 30 years, Online application from : 08/12/2009 to 05/01/2010., Examination on : 21/02/2010

3. Agriculture Field Officer JMG Scale-I
Total posts: 110, Pay Scale: Rs. 10000-18240, Age Limit: 30 years , Online application from : 08/12/2009 to 05/01/2010, Examination on : 21/02/2010

Note: After applying online, take a print out of the receipt system generated registration details and send it with relevant documents and application fee only by Ordinary Post to the designated Post Box Numbers in Mumbai.

For more detailed information, qualification, eligibility, other term and conditions, information will be available  at the following

Allahabad Bank website:
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