Indian Constitution Various Provisions From Different Country

Here is the list of Various section taken from the various constitution of different countries to Indian Constitution.....

1. From Russia Revolution 1917

2. From French Revolution 1789-1799
  1. Ideal of Liberty, Equality and fraternity
3. From govt of India Act 1935
  1. federal scheme
  2. office of Governor
  3. Judiciary
  4. Public service commission
  5. Emergency
  6. Administrative details
4. From British constitution
  1. Parliamentary form of govt
  2. Rule of law
  3. Legislation
  4. Single citizenship
  5. cabinet form of govt
  6. prerogative writs
  7. Bicameralism
5.From US constitution
  1. Fundamental rights
  2. Independent judiciary
  3. Judicial review
  4. Impeachment of President(In US it is tough proceedure to do this compared with India)
  5. removal of supreme court judges
  6. vice presidential ship
6. From Irish Constitution
  1. Directive Principles of State Policy
  2. Nomination of members to Rajya sabha
  3. Electoral office and method of president election

7. From Canada Constitution (pure federal country)
  1. Federation with strong center
  2. Residuary power with center
  3. appointment of state governors by center
  4. advisory/review of supreme court
8.From Constitution of Australia
  1. Concurrent list
  2. Freedom of trade
  3. commerce and inter state trade
  4. joint sitting in the parliament
9.From Constitution of USSR
  1. Fundamental duties
  2. Preamble
10.From Constitution of South Africa

  1. proceedure for amendment
  2. election to the rajya sabha members
11.From Constitution of Japan
  1. proceedures established by law
12.From Weimer constitution of Germany
  1. suspension of fundamental rights during emergency
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