BSEB 10th Result 2020 will be published on 22nd May 2020. Candidates can check their result through the official site of BSEB at
The result would be announced in the afternoon as per officials statement.
The result was scheduled to release today, but got delayed due to verification of the toppers.
Candidates can check the result on third party result websites as well-,, and
How to check BSEB 10th Result 2020 ?
Students who have appeared for the examination can check the result by following these simple steps.
1. Visit the official site of BSEB at
2. Click on BSEB 10th Result 2020 link available on the home page.
3. Enter the roll number or registration number and click on submit.
4. Your result would be displayed on the screen.
5. Check the result and download the page.
As many as 15.29 lakh students have reportedly appeared for the class 10 board examinations this year.
Exam Results